Why Access to Clean Water is So Important

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Water is absolutely vital for survival, but too many people don’t even have access to clean, filtered water.

Science has stated time and time again that a human being is able to survive up to three weeks without food, but water is another story. Humans cannot go three or four days without it. If they do this, they become severely dehydrated; even if they can breathe, they will go into shock and become unconscious. Water really is a very essential thing.

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Right now, there are 2.1 billion people who do not have access to safe drinking water within their home. New York City residents are getting a lot of water from sources that are contaminated. In India, 63 million people are forced to drink water that comes from sources that are not safe. So, why is it so vital for us to have clean water?

Clean Water Provides Nourishment

Water is life. Water is the number one source of nutrition. The human body is made up of 60% water and this is a clear indication of how important water is in general. Humans must be hydrated in order to enable their bodies to function properly. Water helps with the functioning of different organs and helps blood to get the nutrients it needs.

Preventing Disease

It is a fact that if people are not able to drink water that is clean and safe, then this can give rise to a huge number of diseases. Hepatitis A, typhoid, and even cholera are all major medical conditions, and they all stem from drinking a lot of rotten or spoiled water. It is important for people to have access to water that is clean and safe as it protects them from getting diseases and it also helps them to be in good health.

Ridding the Body of Toxins

Clean, safe water is ideal for helping the body remove toxins from its system. Even if the parasite is living inside a human body or is a bacterium, poisonous water causes many different health problems.

Food Production

Another huge issue would be food production. When producing food, it is absolutely crucial that the water used comes from a clean and fresh source. If crops and grain are given any kind of contaminated water, then this can facilitate the spread of disease and bacteria. This can then spread to those who consume any kind of fresh produce. For this reason, water that is used for any kind of agricultural purpose has to come from a source that is both clean and fresh.

Improved Sanitation

Clean water isn’t just required for drinking and food production. It’s also required for sanitation purposes. If you wash your clothing with dirty water, you can expose yourself to infection. The same is the case when it comes to cooking and various other tasks that are a huge, integral part of our lives.

It’s easy to understand how vital it is to have clean water, but unfortunately, so many people don’t have it, and it needs to be changed. Watson Wells makes it easy for people to get safe and clean water for their homes and businesses. Change begins with all of us. Visit us at Watson Wells today to learn how you can have clean water for your home or business.